Proyecto "Acoso Escolar" (Bullying) en Solís de Mataojo

 El jueves 11 de Octubre junto a nuestros alumnos en edad escolar y liceal, concurrimos a la Escuela Nº 5 de nuestra localidad a presentar el proyecto en el que trabajamos durante este mes en clase, “Acoso escolar”(Bullying). Ellos armaron una cartelera y un folleto para dejar en cada salón, además dimos una pequeña charla sobre el tema. Maestras y Alumnos nos recibieron muy bien. Agradecemos la oportunidad que nos brindan de mostrar nuestro trabajo y aportar sobre un tema tan importante.

El lema del proyecto es “ No pretendo cambiar el mundo, pero en el pedacito que me toca vivir quiero marcar la diferencia”


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The film marks the best live-action debut for Hanks since 2009's big-budget "Angels Demons," which launched with $46.2 million. In recent years, the 57-year-old has struggled somewhat to find his footing at the box office. His 2011 romantic comedy "Larry Crowne," which he directed, co-wrote and starred in, tanked with just $35.6 million in domestic ticket sales. The expensive adaptation of "Cloud Atlas," in which he starred last year with Halle Berry, was a disappointment as well, though fared OK overseas.

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Holding Manning at bay -- and limiting the Broncos to field goals instead of touchdowns -- would seem to be the Chiefs' surest path to victory. Kansas City's offense has been so conservative (preferring shorter passes and lengthy, deliberate marches down the field) and recently so nonproductive (the Chiefs have scored just 16 offensive touchdowns on the season, while quarterback Alex Smith has thrown two touchdown passes over the past five games), that the unit likely would struggle to catch up if the Broncos were to take a quick lead.
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